Changing Behaviours With Microlearning

Illustration of videos on iPad

The big challenge in microlearning is to engage the learner very quickly, whilst giving them a tangible take-away that they can apply in their working lives. The content should cut to the chase and get to the learning point quickly.

What’s going to pull learners in and keep them interested? Microlearning needs a coherent theme that is intrinsically relevant and rewarding, to encourage people to return and explore other content.

If people find a situation funny, it has more emotional impact on them. A video or scenario in a short course may be slightly exaggerated for comic effect but if it portrays scenarios and characters that the learner can relate to, it’s more likely to be memorable and effective.

Your content has to directly relate to the needs, problems or personal goals of the learners. Relevance helps to drive out any reluctance to learning

Present the learner with a situation, which provokes a response which, in turn, creates a consequence; that’s where story-based learning becomes such a powerful medium. For example, an interactive video can allow us to sit in and observe a situation and to gain insight as events unfold – think of it as an accelerated life experience.

Your microlearning is the trigger for an ongoing learning process. Learners can reflect and start to adjust their own behaviour, and their reactions to other peoples’ behaviour, in the future.

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