3 reasons video is so effective at changing behaviours

Today we regularly see research, studies and surveys showing the wide uptake of video as a tool for learning. So why after so many years does video learning continue to be so effective and what more does it have to offer? If you’re still on the fence or wondering what more video has to offer for you, in this article we will breakdown why it still works and what video trends to be aware of when reviewing your learning strategy for 2021.

Stimulating behavioral change

The purpose of training and development is often not just about the transfer of knowledge, it’s about ensuring learning is driving business performance. Key to this is changing employee behaviour for the better. Successful programmes provide a trigger point, a moment where the individual recognises they need to change and they also realise how doing so will benefit them, as well as the business. 

Good video content can enable people to think, feel and act differently. It’s often said a picture can tell a thousand words, based on that, a minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. 

Better Engagement

People learn at their own pace and with their own unique requirements. Understanding this enables Learning and Development (L&D) teams to decide what learners need to meet their goals. Video is a flexible resource to meet the needs and requirements of learners; they can consume as much information as they like in each session and on a topic that is specific to them. Video can show employees the right way to do something, the next best thing to learning on the job. Tailored learning pathways with rich video content can make learners trusted and that it is specific to them.

Cost effectiveness

Making your budget work – for employees of all levels, departments and locations – remains a challenge. As face to face training is on hold, return on investment per head needs to be justified by existing or new digital resources. 

Making your budget work – for employees of all levels, departments and locations – remains a challenge. As face to face training is on hold, return on investment per head needs to be justified by existing or new digital resources. A big benefit and one this ‘new normal’ has taught us, is that video can be updated as rules, guidance and even legislation change without the costly charge of re-booking or printing resources. Recent preparations on guidelines for the return to our workplaces, post COVID-19, spring to mind.

Why is video going from strength to strength?

For today’s generation video has become an integral part of daily life. As a result, It is common in the workplace to have access to libraries of video learning content available to people. They can be updated regularly and created in digestible formats, such as bite-size videos, to give businesses a sustainable resource to engage learners. Continued developments in video content platforms have supported even more engaging types of video learning to be developed – such as interactive video and branching video.

Interactive Video

We have all experienced the ‘click next’ e-learning course of the last 20 years. Video is helping make learning fun again and not a chore that needs to be completed on induction.

Interactive video enables questions, polls and assessments to be delivered during the video itself. It can loop back if a question is answered incorrectly; the days of skipping to the end and not engaging with content is coming to an end.

Branching Video

Fan of Bandersnatch on Netflix, anyone?

Creating content that has different outcomes based on learner’s interactions with questions brings to life the decisions they make in a safe and secure way. Lots of topics rely heavily on trial and error to enable behavioural change but this isn’t always practical. Branching videos enable leaders to simulate real life scenarios and promote the right behaviours for their workplace. 

As competition for learner’s attention continues to increase, being able to engage learners and deliver information quickly is increasingly important. Video Arts continue to evolve the way people interact with video learning, such as our own new branching and interactive videos. We believe learning shouldn’t be a watered down version of content you consume in your spare time; it should be fun, engaging and help you succeed in the workplace. 

If you are thinking about incorporating video learning into your learning strategy, then talk to us today and request a free trial below of our new award-winning video library. 

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