Human-centric leadership: 4 tips for leadership success

Leadership isn’t just about directing; it’s about connecting. While executing a vision and strategy is one side of a leader’s life, connecting with the humans in their teams is another. And now, the two have become inextricably linked.

Recently, Video Arts sat down with VP of Employee Experience at Avalere Health, Nick Holmes, to discuss human-centric leadership – what it is, how to get it right, and the key leadership skills all leaders need to make work not suck. Here’s a little run-down of the key takeaways from the discussion…

It’s more than just ‘big feels’

Simply adding ‘ask the team if they’re okay’ to the to-do list isn’t quite what we’re talking about. Instead, human-centric leadership is about understanding the intrinsic motivation of each person in the team, and then getting the best out of them through essential soft skills and leadership qualities like empathy, communication, and active listening.

Focus on the voice of the people

Finding out what teams need from their jobs, their workplaces and their leaders first and foremost underpins everything any human-centric leader does. And the best way to do this? Ask! 

Connect your people with the purpose of your business

Next up, think about what the business needs and therefore what is needed from teams to achieve this. Understanding this gives leaders a clear goal to work towards when coaching their employees, and presents an opportunity for the needs of the business and the needs of the people to be aligned.

Evolution is key

Being human-centric as a leader isn’t about changing your personality (imagine if it was, the sweet irony…) Instead, it’s about being adaptable – listening intently to the needs of teams and adjusting your approach accordingly. Additionally, ensuring your mindset is always geared towards being kind and candid (not being afraid of tough conversations and avoiding ambiguity with employees wherever possible) is vital.

Listen to the full episode here!

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