“ABC. ‘A’, always. ‘B’, be. ‘C’, closing. ALWAYS BE CLOSING. Always be closing.”
Glengarry Glen Ross

In a nutshell:
These snappy, bite-size video and e-learning courses inject a much-needed dose of humour into sales training.
And the result is learning that is remembered long after the training is over. How refreshing! From consultative sales to closing sales, these are a great way to kickstart conversations with new starters and ideal refreshers for more experienced executives.
Perfect for:
- Exploring ways to make the shift from a transactional to a consultative sales culture
- Developing strategies to drive sales excellence by identifying client objectives, handling objections and adapting your approach to different types of customer
- Understanding the role that speaking and listening play in controlling a sale
- Helping your team to understand and fix leaks in the sales funnel
What are you waiting for?
“I think you’re a dead horse but Grace wants to keep flogging you.”
Closing Sales

Good to know:
The Sales Essentials are a modern update on Video Arts classic series ‘So you want to be a success at selling’ which featured John Cleese.
Why laughing and learning work:
People learn best when they’re involved, engaged and entertained.
Discover more about our longer lasting learning.
We don’t bite! Speak to our team about using laughter as a learning aid.
Our ‘Sales training’ collection
E-Learning Courses
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Topics covered:
- Closing sales
- How to control the sale
- Consultative selling
- Succeeding with difficult sales
- Understanding customer needs and objectives
- The art of selling